Affordable Memorial Items After Funeral Home Services

McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation • June 19, 2022

If you have a funeral service for your loved one, you can still memorialize your loved one after with certain items that can help you to remember them fondly.

funeral homes in Mt Pleasant, SC

When you lose someone special to you, your first thought might be for them. You want to meet their needs so they are able to get everything they have to have. The professionals at funeral homes in Mt Pleasant, SC will take care of that for you and that can give you peace of mind. However, you want to find ways to remember your loved one and there are plenty of items that can help you with that process. Here are a few to consider. 

Cremation Or Memorial Jewelry

If your loved one was cremated, you can get a piece of cremation jewelry to place a bit of their ashes within. You can keep them with you and wear them close to your heart whenever you want to think of them. It can help your grief to know you still have a small part of them along with you. If you go with a traditional funeral, you can still get a piece of memorial jewelry to help you to remember them. You may get an angel necklace, a ring with their birthstone in it, or something else that will make you think of them when you see it.

Written Out Memories

One thing you have left behind when someone passes on is memories of them. You can write out those memories and it’s something you can read through later on to remind yourself of those good times. You can keep them private or you can share them with family members who might also appreciate reading through them. They could even add some of their own. 

Photos Put Into A Scrapbook

Most people have a lot of photos they can use to remember their loved one in the future as well. They might take those photos and put them into a scrapbook, arranging them just so and placing other decorations around them. That scrapbook can be a memorial to them and a real keepsake as you move forward.

Repurposed Belongings

Your loved one likely left a lot of possessions behind and you can use them as different things now that they are gone. You can make their favorite shirts into a quilt that you wrap up in when you want to think of them. It can feel like a huge directly from them. You can also make their shirts into bags and allow family members to choose one to take home with them and use.

Charitable Items

You might find items of worth within your loved one’s home and you could donate them to charity in their honor. Perhaps they had a lot of extra bottles of shampoo or a whole bunch of toilet paper that the local homeless shelter could really use, among other items. Their books can go to the local library and so on.

Garden Seeds/Trees

You might want to do something that fosters new life to remember your loved one, too. Get some seeds for your garden or plant a tree in their honor. Funeral homes in Mt Pleasant, SC have other ideas and options.

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