A Celebration of Life May Be Right For You

McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation • January 18, 2021

Are you and your family interested in some kind of alternative to a traditional funeral? You may consider a celebration of life, especially if you want something more positive in tone.

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Some funerals aren’t really funerals at all. They are celebrations of life instead. That’s an important distinction, and it should really guide the planning process. What kind of service are you looking for, and are you interested in doing things a little bit differently? If you or someone you know is looking for a funeral home in Summerville, SC, you should know that there is a solution in your area that cares deeply about your needs—however unique they may be. McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation is committed to planning an event that’s just right for you, even if that differs from the traditional funerals we often think about or imagine. Every family is different, and every family has unique needs. It is our job to acknowledge that and proceed accordingly, putting your needs first and making arrangements that are fully consistent with those needs. You should feel free to speak with us about what you have in mind so that we can do the best-possible job.

Celebrations of life are a real departure from traditional funerals. They typically don’t feel like funerals, and they focus on positive aspects of one’s life instead of the loss itself. Whereas a funeral generally entails a more somber tone, celebrations of life are by definition more celebratory and even joyful. Celebrations of life can be held whenever you wish, sometimes even weeks or months after the loss of a loved one. They also avoid many of the unwritten rules that accompany more traditional funerals. Clothing may be less traditional, and the overall tone of the occasion may be much less rigid and formal. 

There are a lot of options when it comes to celebrations of life. There is no single mold that should govern what they look like or how they work. The sky really is the limit. That is often welcome news to families who find traditional funerals to be too restrictive or confining. If you want to do things differently, a celebration of life may well make sense. 

There are a number of advantages associated with celebrations of life. The primary benefit is that those in attendance can focus on having a good time as they remember someone they cared about. This makes a lot of sense under any number of circumstances. Yes, there should generally be time for mourning and grieving. But that doesn’t have to be the purpose of a celebration of life ceremony. The idea is to focus on more positive thoughts. That may be reflected in music, speeches or eulogies, and the overall tone of the event. It may even feel more like a party, and that’s okay. That is kind of the point. If you want people to have a good time and remember someone in a more positive light, celebrations of life may be an ideal option. Much depends on the wishes of the deceased. And that means it is a good idea to discuss these kind of options well in advance. If a celebration of life is right for you, begin the planning process today. 

If you are interested in funeral homes in the Summerville, SC, area, consider reaching out to McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation. We specialize in a wide range of services, including celebrations of life and more traditional funeral services. We are here to help you with any concerns or questions about funeral services. Whatever you need, we can help make it happen.

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