


Take the time to explore our wide range of available products to get an idea of what might best suit your preferences and budget. Please call us with any questions or concerns, or to discuss your options in further detail so that we can assist you in finding the right product for you and your loved one.

For an online catalog of available urns and keepsakes

View Catalog


There is a wide selection of caskets on display at each of our Chapels. Caskets fall into several categories:

Hardwood Caskets

Known for their natural warmth and beauty Hand crafted like fine furniture. 

  • Each have own unique grain pattern (No two wood caskets are made alike)
  • Available in a variety of types/species (Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Pecan, Maple, Poplar, Pine and Hardwood)


Metal Caskets

  • Known for their protective qualities
  • Available in a variety of types (Bronze, Copper, Stainless Steel, Basic Steel)


Bronze & Copper Caskets

  • Naturally Non-rusting (Will never rust nor corrode)
  • Finest material and construction
  • All Bronze & Copper Caskets Seal


Stainless Steel Caskets

  • Rust Resistant
  • All Stainless Steel Caskets Seal
  • Available in either Premium Grade or Basic Grade


Basic Steel Caskets

  • Selected Styles have enhanced protective features
  • Various Thickness of Steel (16, 18, & 20 Gauges)
  • 16 gauge (Thickest Steel) 18 gauge (Medium Thickness) 20 gauge (Thinnest Steel)

Vaults or Outer Burial Containers

A burial vault is a lined and sealed outer receptacle that houses the casket. It protects the casket from the weight of the earth and heavy maintenance equipment that will pass over the grave. It also helps resist water and preserves the beauty of the cemetery or memorial park by preventing the ground from settling. A vault may or may not be required, according to the cemetery, or may need to be purchased through the cemetery. Your Funeral Director can advise you.


When cremation is chosen, among the decisions to be made are what type of cremation container to choose, what type of urn to purchase or whether to select a keepsake urn as a permanent memorial to your loved one.

There are several things to consider when selecting an urn:

  • Will the urn be buried and does the cemetery have a size or material restriction?
  • Will the urn be placed in a "Green" environment which would require an eco-friendly urn selection?
  • Would you like smaller keepsakes as well as a single urn?

Keepsake Jewelry

We offer a wide selection of memorial keepsakes, keepsake jewelry, and other personalized remembrance items, keeping in tune with today's changing society. Keepsakes and keepsake memorial jewelry are a perfect place to safeguard flower petals, ashes or "cremains", a lock of hair or other small memento, and bring memories to an even more personal level.

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